Friday, May 23, 2008

Same But Different

I found this article on another site and it spoke to a reality that has been denied for many years by our culture. This was written, not from a Biblical point of view, but scientific and socialogical one. Check it out. Long live the differences!

"We are now in the midst of a dawning realization, in business and society, that while men and women are of “equal” importance and value, they are not the same. In fact, brain research over the last 30 years or so demonstrates undeniably that men and women are quite different – physically, neurologically and emotionally. In studying the research, I’ve realized the powerful compliment in our innate differences. For instance, men have tunnel, binocular vision, while women have wide-ranging peripheral vision. Men’s brains are configured to be more logical and women are wired to be intuitive. The feminine inclination to be nurturing and inclusive is complemented by the masculine proclivity to be protective and territorial, and the list goes on."

Judith Wright
The Power of Femininity

1 comment:

Yellow Rose said...

Congrats on starting your blog.