Saturday, March 28, 2009


Here's an observation and I invite responses. Patriarchy cannot flourish without the acceptance of the legitimacy of polygyny. Polygyny need not be practiced for a man to be a patriarch, but the possibility of plural marriage must be allowed for a man to truly be a patriarch. If a man's wife has the authority to forbid him marrying an additional wife, then he is not yet a functioning patriarch. A godly husband will take his wife's advice, desires and feelings into consideration, but he must answer to God's authority only.
Biblical polygyny cannot function correctly without patriarchy. Polygyny, as it is portrayed in the Bible is so much more than physical desire or even love. It may involve both of these but also includes at a higher level of importance, honor, responsibility, compassion and godliness. The character of a man is extremely important in both polygyny and patriarchy. In my opinion, our nations emphasis on birth control is un-Biblical. Large families are in keeping with God's program. Also, I believe, no woman should have to raise children by herself. No man or woman should have to live out their lives alone unless they so choose. Biblical polygyny is the answer to these situations. I am not promoting civil disobedience, but simply telling what the Bible says. Try as I might, I can find no other workable solution to these problems of loss of progeny, single parents and loneliness for Christian people than Biblical polygyny. The only alternative is being unequally yoked together with unbelievers, which is unacceptable to godliness.

1 comment:

Robert said...

This is a great, and greatly misunderstood topic.

First of all it must be understood that there is no general command to marry. There are some conditional commands to marry. Short of that there is no absolute requirement to take a wife, first, second, or third...

A man can be a patriarch and be in a condition that does not allow for the addition of a wife. He may not have enough resources. He may believe that lacking a command he should obey restrictions of man's law. (Right or wrong he must act in accordance with his faith)

Or he may have vowed monogamy to his wife, before witnesses and God. We are commanded to keep vows that we do make. His wife might violently oppose a second wife, in which case taking a second wife may endanger her.

There is much more to being a leader than getting your way all the time. A man that railroads his wife is no patriarch. A patriarch will educate his wife, washing her in the word. Leading her, not lording his headship over her.

Like anything else we want and can have, there is a cost, and a right way to pursue it.

We husbands are commanded to love our wives, understanding that they are the weaker vessel. Christian leadership requires patience, teaching the word, and embodying the values. These are more important than obtaining another wife, while sacrificing the first, and damaging the children if there are any.

Polygyny is not the goal of Christian patriarchy, but it is within the scope of it.

God Bless,
