Sunday, November 14, 2010

Searching for the references

I am searching the scripture for the references that show men of God explaining to God, when He called and commissioned them, that they had to go home and get the wife's agreement that it is the right thing to do.

1.Noah - Nope, nothing there.

2.Abram - Also, no such reference.

3.Moses - Nah, Aaron was already on the way, no time to confer with the wife.

4.Gideon - He conferred with a fleece, not the wife.

5.David - Which wife? Too confusing, just followed God.

6.Peter and Andrew - They just followed Jesus.

7.James and John - They left Dad in the ship and immediately followed Jesus.

I am having a terrible time. Can you help me?

It appears that the men of God in scripture sought only the will and mind of God, not their spouse or children. Something must be wrong here, that's not the way it works today, is it?

Every car or RV salesman will tell you that when a man says "gotta talk to the wife", he's not a buyer. What about men that say "gotta check with the wife and get her agreement, because I can't answer God for myself"? Think God is smarter than salespeople?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is disturbing. I hope you are not married. I ran across your blog while looking for premarital counseling for my son- and while it does seem that you have some biblical knowledge, you must also have a ridiculous power complex or something. This blog in particular shows your ignorance and hostility. My guess is that you are not married, or your wife is not in agreement with your beaten chest cries for patriarchy and polygamy. I hope that your only forum is the small following you have here. I pray that God enlighten you and protect those you are trying to lead astray.