Thursday, June 12, 2008

Patriarchy and Feminism Are Still Opposed

For want of a satisfactory description of Patriarchy that I am willing to copy and promote, let me use my own (it is my blog). "Patriarchy is the family structure developed by God for His people." In this structure, most of the noted men of God in the old testament were polygamists. However, not all of them were, some were also monogamists. Both groups of Godly men married with the same goals in mind. The law of God that regulated monogamous marriage also regulated polygamous marriages. So, that when a monogamous man married subsequent wives and became polygamous, he carried on the same standards of marriage with each wife that he had always had with the first wife. Being polygamous does not mean that the marriage was unique, just that their were more wives involved. Patriarchy can be successfully be practiced in both styles of marriage as instituted and regulated by God. Here is where polygamy is the pivot on which patriarchy turns. God's standard for marriage works in both styles of marriage. Forced monogamy or mono only will not by its nature co-exist with polygamy. Chosen monogamy gets along great with poly, because choice is the nature of both styles of marriage.

Patriarchy is a family structure where the husband/father is the established leader and authority figure for the entire family. This was instituted by God as a means to establish sound, safe and happy families. A greater and more profound reason that God instituted this structure is that it is the best, most visible and successful hands on training for our relationship with God himself. God is the first and best patriarch. The rest are not perfect, but this structure has not been improved upon. Before describing patriarchy let me say what it is not.

  1. Not abusive in nature. If physical or emotional abuse is occurring the man is not functioning as a patriarch.

  2. It is not demeaning to women. Some men that claim to be patriarchs, may be abusive and demean women. Their behavior puts the lie to their claim.

  3. It does not exalt men as greater than women. It is about roles and leadership rather than value. Men and women are equal in value in God's sight.

  4. It is not about sexual gratification.

It is about something so far removed from what the entertainment media has portrayed

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