I designed this chart to illustrate how the culture that God designed for His people will dictate the acceptable styles of marriage that will work in that culture. Conversely, the styles of marriage that are accept
able in our current culture will reveal whether we are operating according to His design. While you may not be aware at this time, I do support the civil right of responsible, mature adults to practice any style of marriage acceptable between God and themselves, I will limit my discussion to the styles and cultures represented on this chart.

This is how Polygamy fits into a New Look At Marriage. God designed marriage, with specific guidelines and He designed a culture, with specific structure.
Any culture that does not allow the style of marriage acceptable to God as shown by His acceptance (without rebuke) of OT saints is not the culture designed by God.
Any style of marriage that doesn't fit the culture designed by God and implemented by His OT saints is not an acceptable style of marriage to God.
Without listing a long file of references, let me conclude this way (I welcome your comments), God designed a patriarchal culture with established leadership. The only styles of marriage that fits this culture is polygamy (by choice) and monogamy (by choice). Monogamy only does not fit the culture designed by God. For our society, civil or ecclesiastical, to promote a style of marriage that is not acceptable to God shows that we have deviated from His plan. If we have deviated there, where else may we be off base?
Matriarchy is not acceptable in some form of
societies, and not either.
American Indigenous groups
might practice either, but
before the BIA Church School Academies and mass raiding of children, nearly all tribes practiced some form.
Mormon Polygamy was largely Matriarchal until
a deal was struck with the
Federal Government to allow men to maintain their families as long as
they contracted no new marriages, Pancho Villa
protected Mexican Mormons
who had immigrated to Mexico as permanent citizens--many families
fled when he thought it was unsafe, at the end of the Revolution, then returned as soon as they could. Some of these groups were neither Matriarchal or Patriarchal, depending on
the circumstances--patriarchal in theory, but
when men could not live with their families, matriarchal in practice.
So far as Polygamy in the
Americas, no broad generalization can be made
over time.
Less than a year ago, you sat at my Dining Room table and told me and my boyfriend that if the Gay Marriage initiative were to be brought back to a vote in the state of Arizona, that you would vote to allow gay marriage.
Currently, polygamy is illegal in all 50 states. This then, makes it illegal in God's law as well.
Romans 13
1Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. 2Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation. 3For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same: 4For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil. 5Wherefore ye must needs be subject, not only for wrath, but also for conscience sake. 6For for this cause pay ye tribute also: for they are God's ministers, attending continually upon this very thing. 7Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour.
As a student of the Biblical text and language, I'm sure you understand this passage is referring to our government and political systems.
As gay marriage is certainly becoming legal in more and more states and foreign countries, it will soon become a Federally recognized contract. This then makes gay marriage to be ordained by God as the Word states in the above passage that the government has been ordained by God.
If God were to approve of or desire polygamy to be a viable relationship, would not His ordained governments have laws making such marriages legal.
Please address your view on Gay Marriage now, in context with your statements "God designed marriage, with specific guidelines and He designed a culture, with specific structure.
Any culture that does not allow the style of marriage acceptable to God as shown by His acceptance (without rebuke) of OT saints is not the culture designed by God.
Any style of marriage that doesn't fit the culture designed by God and implemented by His OT saints is not an acceptable style of marriage to God."
Also, could you please use actual Scriptural support ie. Scriptural TEXT in your explanation.
1)God designed marriage, with specific guidelines and He designed a culture, with specific structure.
2)Any culture that does not allow the style of marriage acceptable to God as shown by His acceptance (without rebuke) of OT saints is not the culture designed by God.
3)Any style of marriage that doesn't fit the culture designed by God and implemented by His OT saints is not an acceptable style of marriage to God.
pv27:17: Your comment is obviously addressed to this blog's author; however, I feel compelled to respond to one aspect of your comment, and that is your understanding of Romans 13.
You wrote: "Currently, polygamy is illegal in all 50 states. This then, makes it illegal in God's law as well."
The foundational assertion behind this and your other statements regarding the apparently imminent legality of gay marriage would seem to be "Government is ordained by God; therefore, government determines what is right and what is wrong." Indeed you go so far as to say in the above quoted statement that what is illegal here on earth is also illegal in God's Law.
Is this really possible? There are many differents governments here on earth. Do they all speak with the same authority? According to your interpretation, they are all ordained of God and speak for God and indeed determine His Law. What shall we do when one government declares any given act X to be wrong; other governments, however, consider this act X to be right. Can act X be both right and wrong? If each government determines the content of God's Law, then this act X is both right and wrong in God's Law. Yet we are taught that God is not the author of confusion.
If your interpretation is correct, then were not the apostles wrong to continue preaching, after that was forbidden to them? But what did they answer: "We must obey God rather than man."
Does not the Scripture teach that God's Law is perfect? Man's laws are in contrast constantly changing. It cannot be said then that man's laws are perfect. Shall that which is imperfect be taken in preference to that which is perfect?
Are we not told in His Word that His Law is a "lamp unto [our] feet"? But according to your interpretation, it is man's laws which are a light unto God's feet, instructing Him what is to be in His Law and what not. The creator of the universe thusly becomes nothing more than a secretary dutifully noting the dictions of every government, amending and extending or striking or all at the same time this and that in His Law.
I hope you see how impossible this is.
Are you aware that your interpretation has often been used to yoke believers into following man instead of God? One example of this was Nazi Germany.
Shall we not rather say with the apostles that it is better to obey God than man? That means that it is God who determines what is right and what is wrong. That means that the laws of man can be compared to an eternally valid standard and thereon measured whether they be right or wrong.
It is written: "For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil." I submit to you that anytime a government diverges from God' Law either to the left or to the right, then we are not to follow, for He warns repeatedly in His Law against just such a divergence that we are not to do that.
Another thought: Your interpretation places government on the throne of God and breaks, therefore, the 1st commandment.
Everything you say is exactly correct as I interpret what the bible says as well. It seems that there is no possible way for there to be one law common to all peoples except through God. This is probably why God was unhappy with the nation of Israel's decision to choose a king to rule over them.
I have always believed that this world, christian or not has made decisions as to whom they will follow. Some have chosen faith, and to follow the Bible with it's teachings. Some have chosen intellect and follow science. Others have chosen government and it's rule. Whatever a person chooses, they must take responsibility for their decision and support it.
I have not chosen to make the Bible my authority. Mainly that decision is based on what you demonstrated by noting that what the Bible states in one reference is not possible to subscribe to if you match it to another.
That said, it is easy to take this back to this bloggers stance and teaching on polygamy and patriarchy...
I Cor 10:23 - All things are lawful for me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but all things edify not.
Rom 14:19 - Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another.
As long as John is able to edify the church and families through it all, then it must be good.
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